Sign up for class- via Zenplanner. Class size is 15 members for equipment and safety purposes. We want every member to be able to get feedback from a coach and stay injury free. You can sign up for a class up to 1 hour before the scheduled class time.
Show up and Be Consistent- Crossfit doesn't work if you don't work too. Kind of like your kids sports, you don't get better/stronger/lose weight if you only show up once every week or 2.
Be on time- Being late a minute or two happens, we get it. But being late causes you to miss the whiteboard brief, the warmup, and isn't very respectful to the athletes and coach that showed up on time. Some gyms have burpee penalties or turn people away if they are 5+ minutes late. We don't want to be like those gyms.
Support/Stay for the last person to finish-We were all new once, and most of us know what it feels like to come in DEAD LAST in a sport or workout. We are a community of likeminded people that want to support each other. That means that even though you are done with your workout, you have a seat and rest or find someone still working and cheer them on so they can get through their workout too. You never know when it might be YOU that needs the same encouragement in the future.
Check your ego at the door and listen to your coach- Crossfit is really hard...and we want what is best for you. Your chances of getting injured skyrocket if your brain says go heavier but our coaches say not yet. We believe in technique first, then intensity, THEN load. Master the basics first, and the weight and skilled movements will come fast.
Always Record your scores in SugarWod. Not to compete with others, but to compete with your former self. Tracking is the best way to see your progress!